Exploring the link between dietary habits and metabolic health risks in non-communicable diseases

In a recent study published in Scientific Reports, Researchers identified and evaluated associations of major dietary patterns with metabolic risk factors in adults in northwestern Ethiopia.

Study: Dietary patterns and associations with metabolic risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.. Image Credit: Serhiy Stakhnyk/Shutterstock.com


Metabolic risk factors such as abdominal obesity, high body mass index (BMI) and hypertension are key factors contributing to the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) globally, with a significant impact on developing countries. development.

These factors cause metabolic alterations that lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). More than one billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension and obesity rates are alarmingly high.

Eating habits significantly influence these risk factors. Studies indicate a shift toward consuming processed and unhealthy foods due to food safety issues and cultural changes.

More research is needed to understand how regional dietary patterns in developing countries such as Ethiopia affect metabolic risk factors and to inform effective nutritional interventions and policies for NCD prevention.

About the study

In a community-based cross-sectional survey conducted from May to June 2021 in Bahir Dar, northwestern Ethiopia, 423 adults were recruited from residential households using a systematic random sampling technique.

This sample size was calculated based on assumptions of a 50% prevalence rate, a 95% confidence level, and an estimated 10% nonresponse rate. Eligible participants were adults between the ages of 18 and 65 who had resided in the area for at least six months.

Adult nutrition was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), which included fourteen food groups: vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, dairy, and fast foods. Participants were asked about how often they consumed these food groups over the past month.

Physical measurements such as weight, hip/waist circumference, height, and blood pressure were performed using standardized tools. Blood pressure measurements were taken twice and the average was used for analysis.

Hypertension was defined as blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg. BMI was calculated, classifying values ​​of 25-30 kg/m² as overweight and ≥ 30 as obesity. The waist-hip ratio (WHR) was also calculated, indicating abdominal obesity ≥ 0.85 for women and ≥ 0.90 for men.

Data were coded and analyzed using Epi Data and SPSS software. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify dietary patterns, and logistic regression analysis examined associations between dietary patterns and metabolic risk factors.

Variables showing associations in the bivariate analysis were adjusted in multivariable logistic regression to identify significant predictors. The study complied with ethical guidelines and received approval from relevant committees.

Study results

The present study conducted in northwestern Ethiopia identified four major dietary patterns among 415 adults: the “westernized” and “traditional” patterns.

The Westernized pattern was marked by greater consumption of meat, dairy products, fruits, fast foods, alcoholic beverages, fish, and sweet foods. On the contrary, the traditional pattern was characterized by the frequent intake of vegetables, legumes, roots, cereals, tubers, coffee and oils.

The prevalence of metabolic risk factors such as hypertension, overweight/obesity, and abdominal obesity varied among the population. In particular, hypertension was significantly lower in adults who adhered more closely to the Westernized dietary pattern.

Specifically, those in the third and fourth quantiles of this pattern were 72% and 65% less likely to have hypertension, respectively, than those in the first. However, no significant associations were observed between dietary patterns and other metabolic risk factors such as overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity.

Demographically, younger, married, and middle-income adults were more inclined toward the Westernized pattern, while women and middle-income people were more associated with the traditional pattern. These associations highlight the influence of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors on dietary choices in the region.

Furthermore, the study’s findings add to the growing body of evidence on the impact of dietary habits on health outcomes, particularly in developing countries.

Identification of these specific dietary patterns in northwestern Ethiopia provides valuable information on local food consumption trends and their implications for metabolic health. This knowledge is crucial to formulate targeted interventions and policies to combat the growing burden of NCDs in the region, driven in part by dietary factors.

The results highlight the complexity of dietary habits and their association with health outcomes, which are influenced by geography, culture, socioeconomic status and individual lifestyle choices.

This complexity requires further research to unravel the intricate relationships between diet and health, especially in rapidly changing societies.


The present study identified “westernized” and “traditional” dietary patterns among adults. The Westernized form, rich in fruits, meat, and fast food, was significantly correlated with lower rates of hypertension, especially in the highest quantiles.

However, no substantial link was found between the traditional pattern, focused on cereals and vegetables, and metabolic risks such as hypertension or obesity.

Demographic trends showed that younger, married, middle-income adults favored the Westernized pattern, while the traditional pattern was more common among women and middle-income people. These insights are vital for developing region-specific dietary interventions to address the growing burden of NCDs.

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