Chard: benefits, nutrition and risks

Swiss chard, like other leafy greens, is a powerhouse vegetable. As part of the beet family, it is packed with nutrients, vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that can benefit your overall health. Swiss chard is scientifically known as vulgar beta L. var. cycle, but it is more commonly known as spinach beet, silver beet, crab beet or chard.

Its rich color and flavor make it an excellent addition to many dishes, from salads to stews. Additionally, the nutrients found in chard can help support bone, endocrine, and heart health, among other health benefits.

Research has shown that low levels of potassium, calcium, and magnesium may be linked to high blood pressure. Each mineral helps regulate blood pressure through its own unique mechanism, and chard contains all three.

Calcium helps regulate blood volume through its role in the contraction of blood vessels, helping blood vessels to contract and relax when necessary. Potassium also affects blood vessel contraction through its role in muscle function. It plays an essential role in electrical signaling in the sympathetic nervous system and heart. Magnesium, on the other hand, regulates sodium and potassium inside and outside of cells.

Swiss chard cannot replace medications recommended by your healthcare provider, but it can be a beneficial vegetable for those making lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure.

Bones lose strength as we age, increasing the risk of fractures. Eating leafy greens like chard can help increase calcium in your diet, but the real benefit lies in its vitamin K content. Chard is rich in vitamin K, which plays a highly influential role in bone health. Vitamin K may help improve calcium absorption and reduce urinary calcium production, thereby increasing bone mineral density and preventing osteoarthritis.

Vitamin K is a cofactor of enzymatic reactions involved in protein synthesis for blood clotting and bone metabolism. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adult men and women is 120 and 90 micrograms (mcg), respectively. One cup of chard provides 299 mcg of vitamin K, meaning even a small serving can provide enough vitamin K for the day.

Chard is rich in alpha lipoic acid (ALA), an antioxidant linked to better insulin sensitivity and lower glucose levels. ALA supplementation can positively affect insulin secretion and nerve conduction, making it a commonly prescribed compound for people with diabetic polyneuropathy, which affects the sensory and motor nerves that branch from the spinal cord to the arms, hands, and nerves. , legs and feet.

Current studies indicate that ALA may increase glucose absorption by activating insulin receptors, but continued research is needed to better understand its role in glucose metabolism. Additionally, ALA may offer protective benefits to pancreatic beta cells, which play a critical role in insulin secretion.

ALA may be more effective in supplement form than through diet, but researchers do not rule it out. Chard can be a beneficial green vegetable for those living with diabetes. However, it cannot replace insulin therapy prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Swiss chard contains chlorophyll, which is thought to exhibit anti-cancer properties, although evidence in humans remains scarce. Chlorophyll can inhibit the absorption and bioavailability of carcinogens and help eliminate carcinogens that have not been metabolized.

Diets high in fiber have also been linked to a reduced risk of cancer. Research continues to point to the protective role of fiber in preventing many forms of cancer, including gastric, esophageal, colon, breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers, among others. Dietary fiber can increase stool volume and at the same time decrease stool transit time, efficiently removing waste from the body.

One cup of chard contains approximately 0.6 grams (g) of fiber. While it may not seem like a significant amount of fiber, one cup of this leafy green vegetable contains 1.35 g of carbohydrates, meaning it is a nutrient-dense vegetable. Chard may benefit those trying to increase their fiber intake without consuming excess carbohydrates.

Recent research points to a beneficial relationship between dietary nitrates and muscle efficiency. Nitrates can have healthy cardiovascular effects by opening blood vessels and therefore improving oxygen consumption during physical activity. Leafy greens are among some of the best nitrate-rich foods, and chard has a higher concentration of nitrates than many, including spinach and lettuce.

More research is needed on nitrates and their effects on athletic performance. However, athletes who want to improve their cardiovascular performance through increased dietary nitrate intake may benefit from adding Swiss chard to their meals or snacks. You can add chard to your protein shakes or other supplements.

Chard are green leaves rich in nutrients. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central, one cup of raw Swiss chard provides:

  • Calories: 6.8
  • Fat: 0.07 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 1.35 grams
  • Fiber: 0.6 grams
  • Protein: 0.65 grams
  • Sodium: 76.7 milligrams (mg)
  • Vitamin C: 10.8mg
  • Vitamin A: 110 mcg
  • Vitamin K: 299 mcg
  • Calcium: 18.4mg
  • Potassium: 136 mg
  • Magnesium: 29.2mg

Low in calories and rich in nutrients, chard is an effective way to add fiber and micronutrients to a well-balanced diet. For example, one cup provides 12% of the daily value of vitamin A and vitamin C. However, those who need to moderate their vitamin K intake may need to monitor their Swiss chard consumption, as one cup provides 249% of the daily value for the vitamin.

Vitamin K can counteract the blood-thinning effects of blood-thinning medications, so those who benefit from the medication should seek guidance from their healthcare provider or registered dietitian before incorporating the vegetable into their diet.

Those taking blood-thinning medications, such as Coumadin or warfarin, should be aware of their vitamin K intake. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting and can affect the international normalized ratio (INR), a value that highlights how quickly with which blood clots.

However, those taking blood thinners do not have to completely eliminate foods rich in vitamin K, such as leafy green vegetables. The key is consistency. Those taking blood thinners should not suddenly increase or decrease their vitamin intake.

One cup of chard provides 249% of the daily value of vitamin K, a significant increase in the vitamin for those who do not consume it regularly. A registered dietitian can help monitor vitamin K levels in foods and recommend ways to safely incorporate foods into a healthy diet.

Swiss chard can be a great addition to a well-balanced diet. Tips for consuming this nutritious vegetable include:

  • Swiss chard that is deep green and has firm leaves will provide the most flavor.
  • Smaller leaves will be more tender and have a mild flavor.
  • Store chard in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.
  • Swiss chard can be enjoyed raw in salads and sandwiches.
  • Swiss chard can be boiled, sautéed, braised, or added to soups, stews, and stir-fries.

Chard, a leafy green vegetable from the beet family, is often overlooked despite its numerous health benefits. It is low in calories and rich in micronutrients that can promote general health through multiple mechanisms. For example, one cup of chard provides 12% of the daily value of vitamins A and C and 249% of vitamin K.

Thanks to its ALA content, chard can help manage blood glucose control in those living with diabetes and, through its antioxidant properties, can help fight oxidation in cells and protect against certain cancers. And although a serving of chard does not contain significant portions of calcium, magnesium and potassium, it does contain all three minerals, which can help lower blood pressure.

Chard can be incorporated into a balanced diet in many ways. However, those taking blood thinners should monitor their intake and make sure they consume them consistently to avoid changes in their INR. A registered dietitian dietician is well equipped to answer questions about leafy greens and their role in a healthy diet.

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