How to lose a pound in a week

Losing half a kilo a week may seem daunting, but what if we told you that losing weight sustainably is easier than you think? In this weight loss guide, we’ll explore an approach that doesn’t involve extreme diets or strenuous exercise routines, just healthy, sustainable lifestyle habits. we spoke with Tracie Haines-Landram, CSCS, certified strength and conditioning specialist and Barbend nutrition coach, who reveals how to lose a pound in a week, which adds up to gradual, long-lasting weight loss. When done consistently, this method can produce long-lasting results without stress or frustration.

Losing a pound a week may seem modest, but it aligns with a sustainable, healthier approach to weight management. It’s all about creating a calorie deficit that isn’t too restrictive, allowing you to enjoy a variety of foods and have fun while moving toward your goals. However, losing half a kilo a week is about more than just the number on the scale; It’s about embarking on a holistic journey towards a healthy, prosperous lifestyle that lasts for the long term.

Read on to discover tips from Haines-Landram experts on how to lose a pound in a week. Then don’t miss How to lose half a kilo a week without exercising.

How many calories do you need to burn to lose a pound of body fat?

woman climbing scale

Haines-Landram explains that there are approximately 3,500 calories in one pound of body fat. That means you need to consume 3,500 fewer calories than you consume per week to lose a pound in several days. A good goal is a deficit of 500 calories a day.

“To lose one pound, you need to create a deficit of 3,500 calories per week through a combination of reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity,” says Haines-Landram. “If you break that down by day, that’s about a 500-calorie deficit, which is best created by a combination of consuming fewer calories through proper nutrition and burning more calories through physical activity. However, it is “It is essential to address weight loss in a sustainable and healthy way. Keep in mind that there are individual variations and that factors such as metabolism and body composition play a role in the rate of fat loss.”

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1. Track your food intake.

Food diary, how to lose half a kilo in a week.Food diary, how to lose half a kilo in a week.

Tracking your food intake provides a clear picture of your daily calorie consumption, helping you make informed decisions. To put this into practice, write down what you eat at each meal, how much, and how you feel afterwards.

“Tracking your foods on a nutritional tracker can be a powerful tool for achieving weight loss goals, combining science with a practical touch,” says Haines-Landram. “Our phones are by our side every day, and using them to quantify how many calories we consume is educational and can help ensure you have a sustainable deficit for fat loss. Food tracking can also promote mindfulness, helping you make decisions informed about portion sizes, nutrient distribution, and overall food quality.

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2. Eliminate empty calories.

No to the concept of chips and snacks.No to the concept of chips and snacks.

Stay away from ultra-processed junk foods and sugary snacks. These foods are often high in added sugars, oils, and empty calories, providing little nutrition. Instead, choose nutrient-dense options that fuel your body and support healthy weight management.

“To help create a calorie deficit, the first place to start cutting back on excess intake is from ’empty calories,’ or foods that provide calories without offering health benefits, such as alcohol, soft drinks, sweets, baked goods and foods with added sugars,” says Haines-Landram. “You can look for added sugars by checking the Nutrition Facts panel and try to stay below 10 percent of your daily caloric goal from added sugars.”

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3. Establish a support system.

High-five circle in a fitness group, how to lose a pound in a week.High-five circle in a fitness group, how to lose a pound in a week.

Whether it’s a workout buddy, a friend who shares your goals, or an online community, having the support of others can be an invaluable asset to achieving your weight loss goals.

Haines-Landram tells us, “You don’t have to embark on a weight loss journey alone or start from scratch. Join a community for support, whether in person or online. You can sign up for nutritional counseling at through reputable online providers, “Programs based at your local gym. “A support system can give you accountability and motivation and links you to others with similar goals.”

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4. Schedule your workouts.

woman planning exercise programwoman planning exercise schedule

Treat your workouts like important appointments. Haines-Landram suggests scheduling time dedicated to physical activity, whether it’s a brisk walk, a gym session, or a home workout. This habit helps ensure that your workouts are consistent and non-negotiable.

“The American Heart Association’s recommendation for physical activity is to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week (increased to 300 minutes per week for weight loss) and to engage in moderate- to high-intensity muscle-strengthening activities. at least two days a week,” explains Haines-Landram. “This equates to 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise five days a week with two days a week of strength training. Schedule these workouts into your calendar for the week.”

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5. Move throughout the day.

Woman walking on a treadmill, how to lose half a kilo in a week.Woman walking on a treadmill, how to lose half a kilo in a week.

If you want to lose a pound in a week, add more movement to your day and don’t restrict your daily movement to just structured workouts. Moving throughout the day adds and contributes to overall calorie burning, while promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

“It may not be feasible to dedicate an hour to the gym daily, but the good news is that you can increase physical activity throughout the day in short bursts that on their own may not seem significant, but add up throughout the day “. says Haines-Landram. “For example, consider putting on headphones and walking while chatting on the phone, requesting a ‘walking meeting’ instead of traditional sit-down meetings, taking a walk on the field while your kids play soccer, or trying out a treadmill.”

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