Mysterious dog respiratory disease: what you need to know

The mysterious respiratory illness that may have sickened dozens of dogs across the country could be caused by a new type of bacterial infection that may be very good at evading the canine immune system, researchers say. Some dogs have died from the disease, which begins with coughing that can last for weeks, watery eyes and sneezing.

In a development that could help shed light on the disease, which has affected a variety of dog breeds, researchers at the University of New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and the Hubbard Center for Genome Studies told NBC News they have identified a pathogen that could be what is making pets sick.

Through genetic sequencing of samples from an initial group of 30 New Hampshire dogs that were infected last year and then an additional 40 from Rhode Island and Massachusetts that became ill this year, researchers say they have discovered a previously unknown germ.

The pathogen is “a rare bacteria,” said Dr. David Needle, head of the pathology section at the University of New Hampshire’s College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. “It is smaller than a normal bacteria in size and in the size of its genome. Simply put, it is a strange bacteria that can be difficult to find and sequence.”

The germ “is new as a potential cause of disease, but it is likely (or has evolved) a component of the dog’s microbiome,” he said. Both dogs and humans have multiple types of harmless bacteria and other microorganisms that live both inside and outside the body. In the intestine, they are believed to aid in digestion.

The bacteria was discovered after a thorough search.

“After initial sequencing showed no known viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens, dogged and time-consuming work by graduate student Lawrence Gordon showed that 21 of the initial 30 New Hampshire samples had some genetic material from an atypical bacterial species,” Needle said. .

The UNH team is sharing their results before publishing a research paper, hoping to give veterinarians some information as they deal with other outbreaks of respiratory syndrome, he said.

Scientists aren’t even sure yet if the same virus is making dogs sick across the country. Many researchers have wondered whether it was a bacterial or viral pathogen. One thing veterinarians do know is that the germ is something they don’t recognize.

New Hampshire is one of a few states that have reported cases of respiratory infection in dogs.

The Oregon Department of Agriculture has received more than 200 case reports from veterinarians across the state since early August, spokeswoman Andrea Cantu-Schomus said in an email. A very small percentage of the dogs have died, Cantu-Schomus said.

Other states with possible cases include:

In conversations with veterinarians, Dr. Karl E. Jandrey, professor of small animal clinical emergencies and critical care at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, has heard about potential cases in North Carolina, Rhode Island and Virginia, as well as Bueno.

Because there is no test for the disease yet and because many of the symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections, such as canine influenza and Bordetella (kennel cough), it is unknown exactly how many dogs have been affected. With hundreds of cases identified by symptoms reported in Oregon alone, there are likely thousands.

Typically, to determine which antibiotics might work best against a particular type of bacteria, laboratories grow the insects in a Petri dish and then try to kill them with various drugs. Needle and his colleagues have not been able to grow the new bacteria in the laboratory. However, its structure offers some clues about which drugs might be the best option to combat it, he said. The antibiotic doxycycline may be effective, he suggested.

If it turns out that New Hampshire researchers have found the right microbe, that could explain why some dogs get seriously ill, Jandrey said.

Smaller pathogens likely have an easier time getting through the dog’s defenses in the upper respiratory tract and reaching the lungs, he said. “If it reaches the lungs, there is a risk of pneumonia,” he added.

According to Cantu-Schomus of Oregon, dog diseases develop mainly in three ways:

  • As an inflammation of the tubes that connect the throat to the lungs that responds minimally or not at all to antibiotics.

  • Like chronic pneumonia that responds minimally or not to antibiotics.

  • Like acute pneumonia that quickly becomes severe and often leads to severe illness or possibly death in as little as 24 to 36 hours.

If a dog has a persistent cough and other respiratory symptoms, it is recommended that the owner contact a veterinarian.

While the respiratory symptoms appear to be those of a viral illness, tests have come back negative for a virus, Cantu-Schomus said.

It’s very unlikely that the cause will turn out to be viral, said Colin Parrish, a professor of virology at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “With the sequencing methods that people use to look for unknown viruses, their signature would have been clear within a few days,” he added.

Therefore, the New Hampshire scientists may have found the right pathogen, although their results need to be confirmed by more research, he said.

Although a record number of Americans are expected to travel during the holiday season, experts recommend that dog owners keep their pets out of kennels and other areas, such as dog parks, where infection could be more likely due to overcrowded conditions and close contact.

“When a group of animals gets together, there is a greater chance of contracting an infectious disease from other dogs,” said Dr. Kurt Williams, director of the Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University. Oregon.

Still, he said, there are some facilities where you’re less likely to have problems because of their design.

“I’ve been telling people to work closely with their veterinarian,” Williams said. “And to make sure your dog has all the vaccines available, particularly those for respiratory diseases that we know about.”

Another option is for owners to hire a babysitter, Needle said. “Or hire a dog walker,” she added. “It may not be perfect, but it’s better than nothing. Also, you might want to consider celebrating Thanksgiving at home.”

Ultimately, your dog might be happier at home with a sitter or dog walker who stops by several times during the day than going to a kennel, Jandrey said.

“It’s best to leave them in their own environment,” he added.

This article was originally published on

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