Nutritional benefits of whole wheat flour

On April 23, 2010, at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, the Associate of Science in Nursing, ASN, through an unrestricted educational grant from the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition, sponsored a satellite symposium on: “Putting the whole grain puzzle together.” : Health benefits associated with whole grains.

The symposium brought together researchers who reviewed the evidence associated with the health benefits of whole grains in the areas of: whole grain phytonutrients, (2) weight management, (3) cardiovascular diseases (CVD), (3) diabetes , (4) digestive diseases. health and ways to help improve the assessment of dietary intake of whole grains.

The consensus is that the additive and synergistic effects of bioactive phytochemicals found in whole grains are responsible for the health benefits associated with a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Furthermore, epidemiological studies of North American and European cohorts have consistently shown that whole grain consumption is associated with a reduced risk of CVD.

Also Read: Whole Wheat Flour for Nutritional Benefits

In fact, Lilian Cheung, DSc, a USDA resident dietitian and professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, recommends eating grains daily, and at least half of them should be whole grains. “You’ll get fiber, a healthy plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals and a variety of phytochemicals that will improve your health.

Furthermore, several studies around the world conducted over the years agree with the above. These are from Professors Dagfinn Aune, Darren G. Serena Tonstad from the United Kingdom; Nana Keum, Edward G. Paolo Boffetta, Lars Vatten and DagfinnAune, Nana Keum from the USA and Professors Guo-Chong Chen, Xing Tong, Jia-Ying Xu, Shu-Fen Han, Zhong-Xiao Wan, Jia-Bi Qin and Li -Oiang Qin, all from China.

It is a similar scenario with the studies by Jacobs et al, Liu et al, Steffen et al and Nettleton et al, on the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study which confirmed the study findings mentioned above. So did Kerri-Ann Jennings, author of ‘9 Legit Health Benefits of Eating Whole Grains’ published December 23, 2016. However, she advised that people purchasing processed whole grain products should make sure to read the ingredient list to ensure they are made entirely from whole grains, not a mix of whole and refined grains.

If these seem strange, related studies carried out by eminent Nigerian food technologists and scientists, attest and align with the immense nutritional benefits of whole grains, including whole wheat flour presented as swallowing foods similar to our local pounded yams , eba and amala. These researchers and scholars include Prof. Isaac Adeyemi, Member of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences (FAS) and expert in grains and milling technology, former VC of Bells University of Technology, Ota and Mr. Ugochukwu Uche Patrick, Technologist food chief and Head of Food Processing Pilot Plants at the Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO), Oshodi, Lago. Others include Professor Olu. Malomo, Professor of Biotechnology, Kings University Odeomu, Osun State and Mr. Sherif Olagunju, fsi, Director, Directorate of Food Security and Applied Nutrition, NAFDAC, as well as Ufondu Amalachukwu Nwamaka also of NAFDAC, Lagos.

According to Adeyemi, incorporating whole foods into your diet provides many health benefits. Whole foods help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Contrary to popular belief, foods containing whole grains do not contribute to weight gain. The reason people gain weight is because of refined carbohydrates. These can be found in cakes, cookies, donuts, and other types of bread.

Both forms of fiber are important for intestinal regularity and gut health, heart disease prevention through cholesterol-lowering properties, diabetes prevention, obesity prevention, and constipation prevention.

NAFDAC researchers insist that in addition to the effects of fiber, wheat contains many other components that may play a role in reducing disease risk and health. These are polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin E and phytosterols. The additive and synergistic effects of these compounds may contribute to the health benefits of whole grain consumption.

For his part, Patrick from FIIRO describes wheat as “the king of all grains” and “a prized plant” because it is rich in protein, carbohydrates, most essential amino acids and valuable minerals, all in one plant! . In addition, it has become popular because it has gluten, which makes it possible to make bread. He adds that no other cereal is as nutritionally rich. However, there are two varieties of durum wheat, with a protein content of 14-15%, which is used for bread, and soft wheat, with a protein content of 10-12%, which is used for cookies and cakes. . This is the type grown in Nigeria, in the Chad and Hadeija river basin.

Professor Malomo reiterates that whole grains present in whole wheat flour reduce blood pressure. The heart benefits of whole grains are not limited to cholesterol and triglycerides. They also lower blood pressure, one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease. One study found a 19% lower risk of hypertension among men who ate more than 7 servings of whole grain breakfast cereal per week compared to those who ate one or less. A study of women also found a benefit. “Eating whole grains instead of refined grains reduces blood substantially.

He adds that they are effective against type 2 diabetes and cancer and have an effective positive effect on the digestive system, giving a feeling of satiety and even contributing to longevity. So the question is what makes whole grains so nutritious?

The wheat grain or ‘caryopsis’, which is harvested for human consumption, is made up of several different tissues: According to Jennings, whole grains have three parts: Bran: This is the hard outer shell. Contains fiber, minerals and antioxidants. Endosperm: The middle layer of the grain is made up mainly of carbohydrates. Germ: This inner layer has vitamins, minerals, proteins and plant compounds.

The acronym is BEG, which means whole grains are literally begging us to eat them. Grains can be rolled, crushed, or cracked, but as long as these three parts are still present in their original proportion, they are considered whole grains.

With all the benefits listed, why are Nigerians not fully aware of them, especially since Honeywell Whole Wheat Meal is available?

It should be noted that there are many types of whole grains, including oatmeal, popcorn, millet, quinoa, and brown rice. Others are whole rye, wild rice, grain wheat, bulgur, buckwheat, freekeh, barley and sorghum. Products made from these foods are also considered whole foods. These include bread, pasta, some breakfast cereals and, of course, whole wheat flour.

Read also: Nutritional benefits of whole wheat flour (Part Two)

Therefore, people who eat whole wheat flour should be assured that they are getting plenty of nutrients because whole grains contain all three parts of the grain and are therefore very nutritious. For example, they are rich in nutrients and fiber, which is obtained from bran. They are particularly rich in B vitamins, such as niacin, thiamine and folate. They also contain a good amount of minerals, such as zinc, iron, magnesium.

Whole grains provide several grams of protein per serving. Additionally, several compounds in whole grains act as antioxidants. These include phytic acid, lignin and sulfur compounds. Similarly, many types of plant compounds that play a role in disease prevention are found in whole grains. These include lignans, stanols and sterols.

In summary, whole grains have higher phytonutrient content and antioxidant activity than refined grains that have had the bran and germ removed, leaving only the endosperm. For example, refined wheat flour loses 83% of total phenolic acids, 79% of total flavonoids, 93% of ferulic acid, 78% of total zeaxanthin, 51% of total lutein and 42% of total β-cryptoxanthin compared to whole wheat. flour.

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